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Various Artists - Couple Affair 11 2x12" | Steyoyoke (SYYK258) - main
Various Artists - Couple Affair 11 2x12" | Steyoyoke (SYYK258) - 1

Various Artists

Couple Affair 11 2x12"

Steyoyoke (SYYK258)

Release date: Nov 8, 2024

The Couple Affair series continues to push boundaries with its eleventh edition, presenting a meticulously crafted double vinyl release. This time, Steyoyoke brings together eight powerful tracks, each showcasing the creativity of the label’s most innovative artists.

Nick Devon teams up with Engelbert, with Bokslag adding a haunting touch to their collaboration, while Clawz SG partners with LackOfAffeKt to deliver a perfect balance of energy and emotion. Soul Button returns, collaborating with Monarke and Renè Diehl, crafting an immersive and emotive atmosphere. Adding even more depth, Seismal D works with Monarke again, while Deviu joins forces with Martín Dubiansky for a melodic masterpiece. MPathy and Pablo Goyesi add their unique sound, with Olivier Weiter and Forniva rounding out the lineup with powerful contributions.

Each track on Couple Affair 11 offers a distinct sonic experience, making this release an essential addition for any vinyl enthusiast.

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A1: Nick Devon & Engelbert

Depths Of Night Feat. Bokslag

A2: Clawz Sg & Lackofaffekt


B1: Soul Button & Monarke

Experience Love

B2: Soul Button & Renè Diehl


C1: Seismal D & Monarke


C2: Deviu & Martín Dubiansky

Tintes De Ayer

D1: Mpathy & Pablo Goyesi


D2: Olivier Weiter & Forniva
